- Vibration Analysis for Condition Monitoring and fault diagnostic (Level I)
This course has been prepared and compiled with the aim of providing tips and concepts needed by condition monitoring engineers and technicians in the field of data gathering and basic skills to apply vibration analysis for rotating machinery condition monitoring and fault diagnostic.
In this course, at first, the basic concepts of vibration science are defined from the point of view of condition monitoring, and its academic concepts are omitted.
In the following, the capabilities and application of the vibration analysis method for fault diagnostic of rotating equipment are introduced, and then the appropriate tools and devices for vibration measurement in an industrial unit are introduced.
The advantages and limitations of each are described, and the criteria for choosing suitable devices and sensors are explained based on the needs of a site. In the following, useful information regarding the selection of data collection points, the principles of data collection and sources of error in data collection are stated, and then the configuration of a vibration analysis program is described.
Since data analysis plays a very vital role in fault diagnostic and condition monitoring using the vibration analysis method, numerous and diverse examples of the types of data analyzed from various defects in all types of machines are described.
Types of vibration defects and signs for detecting mechanical defects in rotating machines are introduced and real examples of them are presented. Detailed definitions of vibrational motion characteristics, amplitude, frequency and phase are provided. In the continuation of the course, the causes of vibration increase in the machine will be explained and the indicators for determining its level will be introduced.
At the end, the criteria and standards related to fault diagnostic are described and an example of the implementation of a comprehensive VCM program in an industrial complex is presented.
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