Vibration Analysis Training Course (Level II)

  • Vibration Analysis Level II Training Course

The prerequisite for attending the level II vibration analysis course, is to pass the vibration analysis level I. This course has been compiled and designed for experts and technicians who, in addition to passing the level one course, have at least six months to one year of continuous work in the field of data collection and vibration analysis, and their technical knowledge in the field of vibration analysis has reached a sufficient level. In this course, at the beginning, the basic topics in different methods of determining the severity of the defect are explained. The basics of signal processing and frequency curve preparation are explained.

Then fault diagnostic with the vibration signal and phase angle as well as waveform analysis and orbit curve is fully explained and the criteria for determining the health level of the equipment based on the types of vibration data are explained. Many real and practical examples are explained and at the end an example of optimization and audit of VCM program in an industrial complex is stated.

for more information about this course, please contact us.

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